Nancy Naous
Turning Point
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Based on interviews with dancers from the Arab world, the dance piece Turning Point questions the misunderstandings, ambiguities, stereotypes, metaphors, metamorphoses, fantasies, prejudices and imaginations linked to perceptions of dance in this region. Through movement rooted in the pelvis, manipulation of costume elements, and live electro-percussive music, Nancy Naous explores a multitude of possibilities of diversions and pretenses while questioning the spectator's gaze and challenging images rooted in our collective imagination.
Nancy Naous is a choreographer, dancer and actress. She finds inspiration in current events and the developments in the Arab world. She studied in Beirut and Paris. Her own company is called 4120.CORPS, in an allusion to the number of kilometres between these two cities. Nancy Naous has previously presented work in the Kaaistudios, during Moussem Cities : Beirut.
- Formule "Payez ce que vous pouvez". Suggestion de prix : 13€ -
Concept & choreography : Nancy Naous // With : Nadim Bahsoun, Ali Beidoun, Nancy Naous // Dramaturgy : Abdullah Alkafri // Scenography & costumes : Bissane Al Charif // Music : Ali Beidoun aka. Fotonik noise // Light creation & general management : Alexandre Vincent
Production : Cie 4120.CORPS // Co-production, residencies & support La DRAC – Ile-De-France , La PLATEFORME / Cie Samuel Mathieu - Toulouse, La PRATIQUE / Atelier de fabrique artistique - Vatan - Région Centre -Val de Loire, L’ETOILE DU NORD / scène conventionnée danse - Paris, Le CND / Centre nationale de la danse - Pantin / STC Super Théâtre Collectif - Paris / Compagnie Ex-Nihilo -Marseille / MOUSSEM / Nomadic Arts centre - Bruxelles / Théâtre de Privas - Ardèche / L'échangeur – CDCN Hauts-de-France (dans le cadre de « Studio Libre ») / Nouvelle scène nationale de Cergy-Pontoise
Photo : © Mohamed Charara