Maria Clara Villa Lobos
Camping sauvage
A man in search of greenery and quiet finds himself a little corner of paradise lost. He prepares to savour this moment of peace when, out of nowhere, someone else comes and settles nearby. How far are we prepared to go to satisfy our desires, not lose face or even defend our territory? A dance and theatre show for young audiences that tackles the issue of living together and mixing cultures with a light touch but still highlighting thorny issues.
Creation for Mini D Festival
Concept & choreography : Maria Clara Villa Lobos // With : Hippolyte Bohouo et Tomas Danielis // Scenography : Maria Clara Villa Lobos // Costumes : Barbara Mavro Thalassitis // Music : Extraits de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, J.S. Bach, Edvardsen Grieg, Kevin Mac Leod et Hugues De Courson … (en cours) // Sound montage : Gaëtan Bulourde // Light design : Emma Laroche // General management : Emma Laroche
Production : XL Production // Co-production : Charleroi danse, Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Théâtre Marni, Pierre de Lune
Photo : Maria Clara Villa Lobos