Vilma Pitrinaite & Sabina Scarlat
MATCH 2 is a duet that treats the relationship like a sport and emotion like a score. Two players try to experience the fundamentals of the competition itself, but the rules change all the time. Adapt or die! Be productive or die!! These two players are each other’s mirror image, discovering their differences as they try to achieve the same image, revealing the most subtle mechanisms of competition in the process: constant evaluation, constant judgment, comparison, and the envy that comes between people.
Vilma Pitrinaite and Sabina Scarlat question competition, an essential characteristic of capitalism, now exacerbated and discretely renamed ‘neo-liberalism’, which determines not only the market economy - its playground - but also each of our daily lives, our work and our relationships, whether social or intimate.
As part of TB² Festival.
Following the decisions of the Federal Government, the show is reserved for an audience of professionals (programme managers, performing arts professionals, journalists, artists, teachers, social workers, etc.).
Tickets :
02 213 86 10 or
Creation, performance : Vilma Pitrinaite & Sabina Scarlat
Based on a original idea of : Emily Gastineau & Vilma Pitrinaite // Costumes : Sabina Scarlat // Light design : Caroline Mathieu // Video : Zoltan Molnar // Artistic advices : Pascale Gigon
Executive production : Garage 29 // Co-production : Les Brigittines // Supported by : BUDA Kortrijk, workspacebrussels, programme ATLAS/Impulstanz, le Ministère de la Culture Lithuanienne, Fresh Oysters Performance Research Studios, Fillimit Platform/KoresponDance Festival, SE.S.TA - Center for choreographic development in collaboration with Studio Alta and National Gallery - Prague
Photo's : Jean Poucet