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Pierre Droulers
Following the installation-exhibition-performance Dimanche and the publication of the book Sunday, Pierre Droulers continues his research, which today consists of revisiting the archive collection he has entrusted to the Centre National de la Danse in order to update it, renew its creative potential and pass on its legacy to new generations of performers and spectators.
In this heritage, he brings the founding motifs of his art into the 21st century: the manual handling or gesture of the craftsman, transport or physical movements, the artists’ portraits or faces, the plasticity or assumed kinship with the work of the visual artists.
Be a poem, a film made in collaboration with Sima Khatami, a performance Occupations, based on the film, as well as a ‘transmission’, a re-adaptation of a solo brought by Thomas Hauert, will make up this evening-long journey.
Be a poem (artmovie) Direction : Pierre Droulers, Sima Khatami Supported by Centre National de la Danse Pantin, pôle archive-vidéo
Occupations (performance) Artists : Olivier Balzarini, Yoann Boyer, Louis-Clément Da Costa Clothing creation : Jean-Paul Lespagnard
Petites formes, transmission I
Transmission from Thomas Hauert, solo, Personne.
As part of TB² Festival.
Following the decisions of the Federal Government, the show is reserved for an audience of professionals (programme managers, performing arts professionals, journalists, artists, teachers, social workers, etc.).
Tickets :
02 213 86 10 or ticket@brigittines.be
Direction artistique : Pierre Droulers // Dramaturgie : Youness Anzane // Assistant artistique : Baptiste Conte
Production : Bird Production // Coproduction : Les Brigittines, Charleroi danse - Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Wallonie-Bruxelles-Paris // Avec le soutien de : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Service de la Danse
Photo's : Paul Héger